Pregnancy Issues Linked to Autism

pregnancy issue and autismAs to now, medical expert and researcher do not have concrete explanation or theory as to what are the causes of autism. But they both agree that autism is occurs when the brain development is disrupted. Genetics and environmental factors often blame to autism. But there are some studies that there are pregnancy –related conditions that linked to autism.

The following are some of the pregnancies issue that linked to autism:

1.    Pregnancy spacing

Some studies show that pregnancy spacing could be one reason for autism spectrum disorder.  Low level of folic acid is traced for shorter gap pregnancy spacing.  Folic acid is an important nutrient for baby’s healthy brain development inside the womb.  Infertility issues for longer gap pregnancy spacing play in developing autism in children. Study found out that children conceived in less than two years and in more than six years after the birth of an older sibling have 2 to 3 times increased risk for developing autism.

2.    Obesity and diabetes during pregnancy

Study from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that the mother with both have obesity and diabetes condition will more likely four times to have autistic child. Obesity and diabetes greatly affect the baby in the womb.

3.    Pre-eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia is a condition that a mother may have a high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Most pregnant women have pre-eclampsia during the second half of pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia limits the fetus’s oxygen and nutrient supply by limiting the mother’s blood supply in the placenta, and thus affects the baby’s developing brain that makes baby may suffer development delays and autism.

4.    Anti-depressant during pregnancy

According to University of Montreal, a mother that taking the anti depressants Prozac and Seroxat during 2nd and 3rd trimester has a chances of having autistic child by 87%. Anti-depressant is not recommended for pregnant women expect for extreme cases including mental health issues and risk for depression.

5.    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome during pregnancy

New study from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute,  It has 59% increased risk for autism if the mother has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Mother with PCOS during pregnancy have higher levels of androgen.  Androgen is a sex hormone responsible for developing make-typical characteristics and exposure to androgen could be the cause of developing autism to baby.

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