What are the causes of Global Development Delay?

Global Development DelayMy son was diagnosed with Global Development Delay (GDD) and I was very worried because I fear that this delay might be autism since my son displayed some signs of autism.  Maybe the Development Behavioral Pediatrics gave a GDD diagnosis since my son is only 2 years old that time. I always on the net to research if my son will be able to recover.

Based on my research the following are some cause of Global Development Delay (GDD)

•    Premature baby.  

Some premature babies have short term delays. Other causes of short term delays are physical sickness, prolonged hospitalization, lack of opportunity to learn and family stress.

•    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

This disorder is a condition that cause affected individual to have social difficulties, narrow interest, and repetitive behaviors or to be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to taste, touch, sight or sounds.

•    Hearing impairment

It is when a child’s ears are not be able to do all the things they should be able to do.  Like for instance, if the child might not be able to hear sounds coming some directions or have trouble hearing certain frequencies or sounds.

•    Intellectual disability

If the child have reduced ability to think and difficulty learning skills. A child might have problems with thinking, memory, and learning.

•    Language delay

A child miss language development milestone by a long way may consider as having language delay.

•    Cerebral palsy

It is a disability that affects a child’s ability to control his muscles and it is caused by damage to the brain while the brain is developing.  A child may have muscle weakness, stiffness, awkwardness, slowness shakiness and balance difficulty.

I noticed that my son is behind compared to same age toddler that’s why we decided to take him to Developmental Pediatrics to evaluate him.  He is now on early intervention to cope up with his delay.

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