Autism and Yeast Infection

autism yeast infectionSome studies shows that there is a large connection between autism and yeast infection. In today’s generation, a lot of newborn babies will take an antibiotic to make sure that they have no infection most especially if the mother has previous infection such as urinary tract infection or other illnesses. One reason for yeast infection is taking antibiotic because good bacteria also killed by antibiotic, in this case, there will be an opportunity for a type of yeast called Candida Albicans to grow faster and invade this gut environment.

Overgrowth of yeast leads to inflammation of the bowel and other medical condition that could cause autistic behaviors. Gastrointestinal disorders (GI) are among the most common issues associated with autism including chronic constipation or diarrhea to irritable and inflammatory bowel conditions. If there is inflammation somewhere in the stomach, nutrients are not properly absorbed which affects the brain.

According to surveys published in the gastroenterology literature have stated that gastrointestinal problem occur in 46% to 85% of children with autism. Research indicated that children with Autism have a higher rate of inflammation in the digestive tract. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal problems cause autistic behavior such as inability to concentrate or to focus, cognitive and language delay, behavioral issues, sleep disturbances, chronic illnesses, etc.

Some researchers believes that yeast infection as well as inflammation in the gastrointestinal will heal, children with autism will recover.

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