Types of Developmental and Behavioral Disorders

developmental-and-behavioral-disorderI found out that there are many children are suffering from developmental and behavioral disorder nowadays. I became aware when my son diagnosed with Global Development Delay and I realized that there are so many children who underwent therapy because of behavioral and developmental problems. It is very important for parents to identify early whether a child has a developmental delay or disorder for achieving the best possible outcome through early intervention.

For parents, it is essential to education themselves for different types of developmental and behavioral disorder and know the opportunities for treatment and intervention.

Below are the some types of developmental and behavioral disorders:

1.    Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD)/ Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

This disorder is characterized by problems with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity or a combination.  Treatment included behavioral, psychological and education intervention.

2.    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

It is a mental condition that characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people as well as restricted repetitive behaviors, activities and interests. There is no cure for autism but there are treatment options available to reduce symptoms and improves way of living such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy and medication.

3.    Bipolar Disorder (manic depression)

It is also a brain disorder characterized by unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and ability to carry out everyday activities.  It can be managed by medication, close monitoring of symptoms, education about the disease, counseling or psychotherapy for the individual and family, dietary limitation and nutritional supplements as well as regular sleep and exercise.

4.    Cerebral Palsy

It is a neurological condition that affects normal movements in different parts of the body. It causes problems with posture, gait, and muscle tone and movement coordination. Person with cerebral palsy may experience seizures, abnormal speech, hearing, visual impairments and mental retardation. Training and therapy may improve the condition.

5.    Down Syndrome

It is a genetic condition that affects some level of learning disability and physical features. Mild to severe retardation can be present. The usual physical characteristics included large tongue, heart problem, poor muscle tone and flat facial features.  This disorder is a lifelong disability but can be treated through appropriate educational and behavioral intervention as well as occupational therapist, speech and language intervention.

6.    Fragile X Syndrome

It is a form of inherited mental retardation and developmental disability and it causes with a specific gene. Person with Fragile X Syndrome often have distinctive physical characteristics such as long face, large prominent and hyperextensible joints. There is no cure for this disorder but treatable through behavioral and educational therapies.

7.    Learning Disabilities

It is a neurological disorder which characterized by difficulty learning, soring, and storing information. Children affected by learning disabilities may have one or more difficulties with skills include listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, mathematical abilities that affects with academic performance. Proper intervention, training and strategies help the affected individual to become successful and live to the fullest.

8.    Mental Retardation

It is a disability in intellectual functioning and adaptive skills characterized to have difficulties with communication, conceptual skills, social skills, self-care, memory skills, learning, solving skills and lack of social inhibition. It is treated through intervention strategies depending on the severity of mental retardation. Special education and training to improve the patient’s ability may be provide to live a full life.

9.    Seizure Disorder (Epilepsy)

It is also a neurological disorder in which the brain’s electrical activity is periodically disturbed that results some degree of temporary brain dysfunction.  Individual with seizure disorder or epilepsy may experience at least two or more seizure that are unprovoked. Treatment available are seizure-preventing medicines, surgery, ketogenic diet or electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve.

10.    Tourette Syndrome

It is a neurological condition that affects the brain and nervous system characterized by a combination of involuntary noises and movements called tics. Tics are rapid, repetitive and involuntary contraction of a group of muscled and sometime interfere with daily life. If tics become complicated, there are variety of medication that provide to relief tics.

11.    William Syndrome

It is genetic condition characterized by medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, development delays and learning disabilities and at present at birth. Unlike some disorder, children with William Syndrome are social and friendly. The struggle they have are most of them are have life-threatening cardiovascular problems. Other features are heart and blood vessel problems. Slow weight gain, feeding problems, colic dental problems, kidney problems, hernias and hypotonia. Treatment available are medication for the heart problems, physical, occupational and speech therapies.

12.    Expressive Language Disorder

It is a developmental disorder characterized by having difficulty expressing him or herself in speech such as limited vocabulary, difficulty recalling words and producing complex or lengthy sentences.  Treatment are speech therapy and social skills therapies.

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