Play Ideas for Baby’s Development

Playing with your babies helps their development instead of handling them with gadget. Benefits of playing with your babies include develop their imagination as well as the cognitive, physical and emotional strength. Play is very essential to have healthy brain development because it is through play that a child may learn to interact, engage and communicate in the world around them.

Here are some play ideas for your baby:

1. Singing and Swaying

It is good idea to sing while swaying your baby because it can stimulate baby’s sense of balance while introducing many words by singing a simple nursery rhymes such as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”, |Incy Wincy Spider|, etc.

2. Tinkling Bell

Using tinkling bell play, a baby can develop listening skills. Tinkling a small bell near the baby but not showing her where the bell is and make her look around for where the sound is coming from.

3. Hand Spiders

Holding up your hand over your child and move fingers any which way. You can make your hands creep, bounce and walk on her tummy for a gentle tickling game. Also, you can make shadows with your hands and watch your baby marvel at the shapes that you are making.

4. Peek a Boo

Using a small piece of cloth or scarf, cover your face or head and teach your child to pull it. Other variation of the game is hiding a toy inside the piece of cloth or under lampin and make sure that your baby see you doing it and ask her to find it.

5. Roll the Ball

Ball is one of most favorite toys of a baby as well as the toddler. Sitting with your child on the floor and show her how to push the ball away to make it roll and show also how to kick a ball.

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