Developmental Milestone up to Three Years old

development-milestoneSometimes development milestone in some children is confusing and we do not know what is normal. Since every child has its own time for development, it is important to monitor for possible delay so that we are able to help them to cope up with the delay.
As your child turned one, you will be excited if your child will going to walk and talk.  Here are some development milestone to watch so that you may be aware if your child has a normal developmental milestones:

12 to 18 months

  • A child is starting to develop motor skills such as able to crawl and can stand on his own.  He should gestures or points at things to indicate his needs and wants..  Turn pages of a book and likes to push, pull and dump things. He should be able to wave good bye, clap hands and holds spoon while eating and carry small objects while walking.
  • In terms of cognitive skills, he should say 8 to 20 words and able to look at the person talking to him and says “hi” or “bye. Also, a child should be able to identify objects in a book or understand and follow simple one step directions. In addition, a child should be able to identify body parts and imitate actions and follow simple commands.
  • A child should be able to identify key persons in the family. He or she also beginning to experience separation anxiety and becomes upset when separated from parents or caregivers. At this time, a child should recognize himself in the mirror or in pictures and likes being held and read to and enjoys an audience and applause.

18 to 24 months

  •  A child should be able to walk steadily and able to drink from a straw and can able to feed himself with a spoon. Also, he can be able to bend over to pick up toys without falling and can climb the stairs with help. He can take backward steps and enjoys sitting on.
  • He should know the use of pronouns such s I, she, he and has a vocabulary of several hundred words like names of some toys. He can use 2 to 3 word sentence and echoes single words that are spoken by someone else.  He can say word such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
  • A child may more affectionate and hug people or kiss people he is familiar or comfortable with. It may also the time when a child may develop fears.

24 to 36 months

  • Your child will be able to throw and kick a ball, undress himself completely with less help or supervision.  Also, he should able to put things away, drink from a cup without spilling, jump in place or walk on tiptoe.
  • A child’s vocabulary has extended to include 900 or more words and uses phrases and construct 3 to 5 word sentences. He should also know his full name, age and sex.
  • A child can initiates his own play activities and observes other children at play and joins in.




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