What is Regression Form of Autism

regression-autismThere are parents who reported that their children grows normally without any delays in milestone then starts to lose speech and social skills between the ages of 15 and 30 months and eventually diagnosed with autism.  There are also some parents claimed that their kids develop typically for almost three years and then experience a complete loss of language, social skills and motor ability. This is called the regressive type of autism.  Terms used to describe regression in children with autism are autism with regression, autistic regression, setback-type autism and acquired autistic syndrome.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects by social impairments, cognitive impairments, communication difficulties and repetitive behaviors.  Signs of autism includes not respond to their name, not point things of interest, not play pretend games, avoid eye contact, have their own world, no speech or delayed speech, repeat words or phrases, get upset by minor changes, have obsessive interest, low or no social skills, short attention span, meltdowns, hyperactivity, poor communication skills, etc. Causes of autism still unknown. Some researchesr claimed that is due to environmental factors, genetic or hereditary, gut problem, maternity stress or pregnancy, illnesses and preterm babies.

It is important for a child to evaluate if you observe development delays.  The developmental screening is a test is done by developmental behavioral pediatrician.  He might ask the parent some questions and talk and play with the child during the screening to see how the child learns, speaks, behaves and moves.  Any delay could be a sign of a problem.

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