Natural Treatment for Autism

natural-treatment-autismI realized that many children nowadays are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) when my son diagnosed Global Delay Development ruled out Autism.
Autism is a mental condition that affects a child’s ability to interact, show emotions and have repetitive behaviors.  There is no unknown treatment for autism but many parents like me still hope that autism can be treated. Doctors told that the only way to help our children is through early intervention with the help of Occupational therapist and Speech therapist.

The cause of autism still unknown but some researchers believe that some causes includes exposure to toxics, infections, vaccines, medication during pregnancy, inflammation, leaky gut, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and inborn errors of metabolism.

Some parents claimed that their children shows improvement when they try some natural ways to treat autism. Here are some ways to treat autism naturally:

  1. Gluten-free diet. It is removal of food with protein gluten from diet. These foods includes wheat, barley, and rye. A child should eat only food that is naturally gluten free. Gluten believe to be the cause of leaky gut of a child with autism which affect the brain-barrier and cause brain fog and toxin to the brain.
  2. GAPS diet.  It is the avoidance of food that have starches and sugar from diet. It is the removing of foods that are difficult to digest and replace with nutrient dense foods to give the intestinal lining a chance to heal and restore.  This diet will naturally treat the chronic inflammatory in the digestive tract as a result of a damage gut lining
  3. Fish oil supplements. Supplementation of fish oil will help reduce the symptoms of autism since it is critical for brain function and anti-inflammatory.
  4. Digestive enzymes. It helps for the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  5. Vitamin D3. It helps for healthy brain function
  6. Probiotics. Autism is connected to digestive issues so therefore taking a good quality probiotic will help to restore intestinal health.
  7. L-carnitine. It is an amino acids which help to improve symptoms of autism
  8. Epson salt baths.  It has the calming effects and helps a child to sleep well and help for detoxification.
  9. Chelation detox. It has the purpose of removing heavy metals and toxics from the body. Some parents chelation therapy for their children most especially if they believe that the cause of autism is due to vaccination and strong antibiotic.
  10.  Zinc supplementation.  Some autistic children may have lack of zinc because of digestive issues such as loss of nutrients due to diarrhea. Zinc acts as an enzyme activator and stabilizer and it is important nutrient for cognitive function.

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