Is Mild Autism is Treatable?

autism-recoveryWhen my son diagnosed with Global Development Delay ruled out Autism, I searched and found out that there are some children who recovered and grow out their symptoms. Expert told that these children maybe misdiagnosed that is why they recovered in the future.

My son was delayed in physical development milestone. He never crawled and I can say that he is also a little floppy baby because he cannot be able to sit alone at 6 months. He has difficulty standing alone. At first, I and my husband thought that he is just little bit delayed since he is also premature baby. When he is born, he also put an oxygen because he was difficulty in breathing. One doctor told me that lack of oxygen in the brain may be the possible cause of his condition. When my son is two and half years old, we decided to bring him to the Developmental Pediatrician to evaluate him. Currently, he is having occupational and speech therapy and I see improvements in his behaviors as well as in his speech. I think that my son has a mild form of autism since he able to understand what I say.

There are numerous incidents that some children with autism progress to the point where they no longer meet the criteria for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There are notions that it happens because of initial misdiagnosis, the possibility that some children mature out of certain forms of autism or because of successful treatment.

I hope that my son will be recovered in his current situation. I believe that through proper care and therapy, my son will recovered soon. By providing all the child’s need and help, children with autism will have a fulfilling life ahead of them. Each child with autism is unique so it is important to give him/her right intervention because each child have different needs. By helping them the soonest possible time, little by little, symptoms will be improved and possibly recovered from ASD.

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