Possible Cause of Autism

autism signsI have been researching over the internet and other reading materials the causes of autism since I have been suspecting that my son is autistic. But of course, I still on denial stage and that time we do not have enough money for the developmental pediatrician since our money goes to his milk, diapers, vitamins, and so on as well for the daughter who is 10 years old.

I always asked myself why autism may affect my child so I have been reading the actual cause of autism.  At first, I feel angry to myself because maybe I am not a good mother that I was not be able to take care of my child during pregnancy and up to this moment.  But of course, no one knows what the real reason behind autism is.  Some says that the cause of autism is still unknown.  But based on what I read and research, I found out the following causes of Autism.

  1. Genetics (heredity)
    Some researcher believes that an inherited gene from parents and family makes them vulnerable to developing autism.
  2. Vaccine
    There are controversies that one cause of autism is vaccine.  Some parent claims that MMR vaccine causes their son or daughter became autistic. They say that after MMR vaccine their son or daughter regress and have autistic behavior but this theory still doesn’t have enough evidence.
  3. Environmental factors
    Environmental factors play significant role in the incidence of autism according to some study.  These environmental factors include prenatal exposure to air pollution and certain pesticides, maternal diabetes and obesity, prematurity birth, and prenatal deprivation to baby’s brain during birth difficulty.
  4. Gut Problem
    Studies show that autistic kids also suffer from gastrointestinal problems including inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut.  Leaky gut means that there is a inflammation somewhere in the intestine that the person does not absorb the nutrients need either because of the overgrowth of yeast due to too much antibiotic and toxic in the intestine.
  5. Television
    A group of researcher from Cornell business professor suggested the possible cause of autism is viewing too much television at the very young age.
  6. Lack of folic acid during pregnancy
    Other researchers say that lack of folic acid and other essentials vitamins during pregnancy may increase the occurrence of autism
  7. Maternal stress
    Some mother says that they are stress during their pregnancy period.  Research found out that a mother who experience stress during pregnancy appears to have an autistic child.
  8. Parent age
    There is a study show that paternal age, maternal age and parental age gaps all influence of having autism. Previous study shows that older father have genetic mutation in their sperm that can cause Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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