Factors Contribute to the Autism

Nowadays, there are so many cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which ranges from mild to very severe. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) implicates atypical brain development which affects the behavior and social development before a child is three years old.  A child may have impairments in social interaction and communication as well as restricted interests and stereotyped behavior. In addition, other characteristics includes repetitive like tasks seen in their behavior and sensory interests.

Many researchers propose the causes of autism but up to now, there is no concrete reason for a child to become autistic. Different researches have been conducted in order to complete their studies. Below are some factors that contributed to the increase number of autism cases.

•    Genetics
Genetics is considered the most significant factor cause for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some researchers consider hereditary plays roles for a child to develop autism.

•    Environmental Toxins
Exposure to environmental toxins during prenatal pregnancy or at the time of birth can be potential risk of developing child’s autism based on some studies.

•    Gastrointestinal Connection
Gut issues often linked to autism since some parents reported that gastrointestinal disturbances in autistic children and various studies have investigated association between autism and gut. Also, there is some research that autistic children are more likely to have gut issues than typical children.

•    Maternal Condition
Prenatal risk factors include advanced age in either parents, diabetes, bleeding, thyroid problems,  and use of psychiatric drugs during pregnancy.

•    Prenatal Stress
Stress during pregnancy such as exposure to life events or environmental factors that distress an expectant mother has been concluded that can contribute to autism,

•    Prenatal Infection
Prenatal viral infection such as rubella or cytomegalovirus may activate mother’s immune response and greatly increases the risk for autism.

•    Lack of Vitamin D
There is limited evidence that lack of vitamin D during pregnancy contribute to have a child with autism.

•    Vaccine
Some researchers believes that vaccine cause autism most specially MMR vaccine due to mercury or  thiomersal contents but there are no concrete evidence about this research.

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