Treatment for Autism

autism treatmentExperts said that there is no cure or medicine that will cure autism. The only and available option for parents is therapy and intervention to improve their behaviors and help to lessen disruptive behaviors.   The aim of this treatment is to improve the overall ability of the child to function. Each child has their own programs to follow based on their evaluation in order to know what they need.  No children with autism have the same symptoms and all of them are different to each other that is why a child must be evaluate by a professional occupational or speech therapies in order for them to know the need of a child and provides activities and programs based on their evaluation.

The following are some of the recommended treatment for autism:

  1. Behavioral Training and Management
    This behavioral training and management helps a child improve behavior and communication by using positive reinforcement and social skills training. The types of treatment such as Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is widely used and accepted by health care professionals, school and treatment clinic to encourage positive behavior and  discourage negative behavior to learn variety of skills. The child’s progress will be track down and measure. Other types of treatment includes Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) which uses visual cues to teach skills by providing pictures to learn the step by step procedure of skills.
  2. Specialized therapies
    These specialized therapies include:
    a.    Occupational Therapy – it helps a child with autism to function independently as possible including dressing, eating, bathing and relating to people.b.    Speech Therapy – it helps to improve language and social skills to communicate more effectively.

    c.    Physical Therapy – it helps a child with autism to improve the coordination and motor skills.

    d.     Sensory Integration Therapy – it helps a person to deal with sensory information such as sounds, smells and sights.

  3. Dietary Treatment
    This dietary treatment might help to one child but not to another child.  Biomedical intervention is used for individual who is having problems with gastrointestinal abnormalities, immune dysfunction, detoxification abnormalities, and nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. Some researchers said that biomedical problems can cause or triggers faced autism symptoms.   Some parents believe that dietary changes will improve the behavior of their child such as how their child acts.
  4. Medication
    As said earlier, there is no medicines that cure autism but there are medicines that can help some people with related problems such as medicines that manages high energy levels, inability to focus, depression or seizures.

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